Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 16.6 Comparison of predicted and computed time-series elevation for 24 hours starting 5 January 2003, at 0000
hours referred to the lowest astronomical tide (LAT). BODC, British Oceanographic Data Centre; FTT, French Tide
Wave dataset
imately 1 km offshore and at 8m water depth.
Wave height and period were typically recorded
every 6 hours but more frequently during some
parts of the observation period, for which hourly
values were recorded. The dataset used in this
study covers the period from 1981 to 2005.
Thewave data consisted of significantwave height
(H s ) and peak spectral wave period (T p ) obtained
from the instruments deployed in the FRF. The
data were collected from an array of 15 pressure
gauges, referred to as gauge 3111, located approx-
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