Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.15: QGIS unique renderer settings for a geologic map
Identifying Features
If you want to follow along, open QGIS and load the cities and world_
borders layers.
Here is one of the most common questions when working with GIS
data—what is that feature, and what can I learn about it? It's also
one of the simplest operations we can perform. Once we load the cities
layer, we have 606 dots on our map. The next trick is to determine
which is which. Sure, we can identify some of them just by looking,
assuming we are familiar with the country. This is where the Identify
tool comes into play—it's used to query a feature on the map. Simply
zoom to an area of interest, activate the layer by clicking its name in
the legend, click the Identify tool, and click the feature. QGIS will dig up
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