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Fig. 1. Audi B-Pillar crash test in DesParO Metamodel Explorer. (top): constraints on intrusion
and mass are imposed. (center): two optimal designs are found. (bottom) : inspection of optimal
design in DesParO Geometry Viewer.
E.g. on the two images at the bottom, one can see the difference between small and
large thickness values resulting in softer or stiffer crash behavior.
While performing constraint optimization, the user immediately sees how small
mass solutions disappear when intrusion is minimized. This gives an intuitive feeling
for the trade-off (Pareto behavior) between optimization objectives. With these
capabilities and complementary information such as auxiliary criteria and interactive
interpolation of bulky simulation results, “the” optimal solution, i.e. a single
representative on the Pareto front, can be selected by a user decision.
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