Digital Signal Processing Reference
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P.2 The mean value of the mean value is the mean value itself.
Being E { X } ¼ const, from ( 2.240 ), it easily follows:
EfEfXgg ¼ EfXg:
P.3 The expected value of a random variable X multiplied by the constant a is
equal to the product of the constant a and the expected value of the normal
random variable: E { aX } ¼ aE { X }, a ¼ const.
From ( 2.230 ), the expected value of aX , where a is a constant, is:
EfaXg¼ X
ax i PfX ¼ x i g¼a X
x i PfX ¼ x i g¼aEfXg:
(Because a is constant it can be moved in front of the sum, which itself
represents E { X }).
P.4 This is a combination of P.1 and P.2: E { aX + b } ¼ aE { X }+ b
Combining ( 2.240 ) and ( 2.242 ), we have:
EfaX þ bg¼ X
1 ðax i þ bÞPfX ¼ x i g
¼ a X
x i PfX ¼ x i gþb X
PfX ¼ x i g:
The first sum in ( 2.243 )is E { X } while the second sum is equal to 1, yielding:
EfaX þ bg¼aEfXgþb:
P.5 The linear transformation g ( X ) of the random variable X and its expectation are
commutative operations.
From ( 2.244 ), it follows that if the function of the random variable X is a linear
gðXÞ¼aX þ b;
then the linear transformation of the random variable and its expectation are
commutative operations:
EgðXfg¼aEfXgþb ¼ gEfXg
However, in a general case in which the transformation g ( X ) is not linear
EfgðXÞg 6¼ gðEfXgÞ:
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