Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Therefore, from summing the above statements it follows that the covariance
equals to zero if the random variables are either independent or dependent but
uncorrelated .
Additionally, from ( 3.112 ) it follows that if the random variables are orthogo-
nal, then the covariance is equal to the negative product of their mean values .
C X 1 X 2 ¼EfX 1 gEfX 2 g:
(3.124) Variance of the Sum of Random Variables
Consider the sum of two random variables X 1 and X 2 , which is itself a random
variable X :
X ¼ X 1 þ X 2 :
By applying the definition ( 2.333 ) of the variance of the random variable X and
using ( 3.88 ) and ( 3.125 ), we get:
s X ¼ ðX XÞ
¼ ðX 1 þ X 2 X 1 þ X 2 Þ
¼ ðX 1 X 1 Þ
þ ðX 2 X 2 Þ
þ 2 ðX 1 X 1 ÞðX 2 X 2 Þ:
The first two terms in ( 3.126 ) are the corresponding variances of the variables X 1
and X 2 , respectively, while the third averaged product is the covariance.
Therefore, ( 3.126 ) reduces to:
s X ¼ s X 1 þ s X 2 þ 2 C X 1 X 2 :
Equation ( 3.127 ) states that the variance of the sum of the variables X 1 and X 2 is
equal to the sum of the corresponding variances if their covariance is equal to zero
( i.e., the variables are either independent or uncorrelated ).
Therefore, if the random variables X 1 and X 2 are either independent or uncorre-
lated ðC X 1 X 2 ¼ 0 Þ , then
s X 1 þX 2 ¼ s X 1 þ s X 2 :
The result ( 3.128 ) can be generalized to the sum of N either independent or
uncorrelated variables X 1 ,
, X N :
X i ¼ X
s 2
s 2
X i :
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