Databases Reference
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Table 2. An example of access control policies
Sign Action Type
1 Public,*,*
/account operation/@bankAccN
read LD
2 BankEmployee,*,*
/account operation
read RD
3 StatisticalAnalyst,*,*
/account operation
read RD
4 StatisticalAnalyst,*,*
read LD
5 StatisticalAnalyst,*,*
/account operation/operation
read RD
[./type= “bank transfer” ]
6 Client,*,*
/account operation
read R
7 BankEmployee,150.108.33.*,*
/account operation/@bankAccN
read L
8 StatisticalAnalyst,*,* /account operation//notes
read L
9 CashOperators,*,*
/account operation/
read R
request[./means= “Internet” ]
DTD. DTD loosening prevents users from detecting whether information
has been hidden by the security enforcement or was simply missing in the
original document [14].
Example 3. Consider the DTD and the XML document in Fig. 1, and
the user-group hierarchy in Fig. 3. Table 2 shows a list of access con-
trol policies. The first schema-level authorization states that nobody can
access attribute @bankAccN of element account operation (1). Users be-
longing to BankEmployee and StatisticalAnalyst groups can access
the account operation element (2 and 3), but StatisticalAnalyst
group is denied access to //notes (4). Since the fourth authorization
is LD , while third authorization is RD , the fourth policy overrides the
third one. Furthermore, StatisticalAnalyst group is denied access to
/account operation/operation[./type= “bank transfer” ] , meaning that
users belonging to the group cannot access /account operation/operation
if the operation is a bank transfer (5). Consider now the instance-
level authorizations. Users belonging to Client group can access the
account operation element, if condition ./@bankAccN=$userAcc holds (vari-
able $userAcc represents the variable containing the bank account num-
ber for the requesting user) (6). Also, members of the BankEmployee
group and connected from 150.108.33.* can access @bankAccN at-
tribute (7). This authorization overrides the first authorization in
the table. Members of the StatisticalAnalyst group and connected
from * can read /account operation//notes for the spe-
cific instance (8). Finally, CashOperators group is denied access to
/account operation/request[./means= “Internet” ] (9).
Suppose now that Alice and David submit a request to read the document
in Fig. 1(b). Figure 4 illustrates the views returned to Alice and David at the
end of the access control process.
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