Databases Reference
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s is possible only if it is witnessed by some possible database i.e. if there exists
( D ). Without worrying yet whether the attacker
can even compute all possible secrets, note that they provide an upper bound
on the set of candidates for the secret which an attacker needs to consider.
Let us denote the set of possible secrets with
[ D ] V such that s =
([ D ] V ):
( D )
In particular, the actual secret S ( D ) is a possible secret:
([ D ] V ):=
[ D ] V }
( D )
([ D ] V ).
Example 3. Continuing Example 2, the possible secrets are obtained by run-
ning the
over each possible database. We obtain s 1 =
( D 1 )=
(John, flu),
(Jane, pneumonia)
, s 2 =
( D 2 )=
(John, flu), (John, pneumonia), (Jane,
The optimal attack: compute possible secrets and use external
knowledge. In the absence of external knowledge, possible secrets are indis-
tinguishable with respect to the published data
( D ) and even with unlim-
ited computational resources the best an attacker can hope for is to reverse-
([ D ] V ). Towards a conservative privacy guarantee, let's assume that
the attacker is successful at this task, handling the case of infinitely many pos-
sible secrets by coming up with a finite representation thereof. 2 If there is only
one possible secret, then the actual secret is exposed and the attacker's task
accomplished. In the (likely) case of several possible secrets, a sophisticated
attacker improves his chances of singling out the actual secret by whittling
([ D ] V ) using external knowledge. If several possible secrets remain
even now, the attacker is forced to guess the actual secret among them. How-
ever, the guess does not have to be uneducated: while the attacker's external
knowledge may be insucient to further rule out any possible secrets, it could
still influence the attacker's beliefs about the relative likelihood of the possible
secrets. This would enable the attacker to pick the secret he believes likeli-
est. Finally, if the attacker deemed several possible secrets equally likely but
likelier than all others, he would be forced to guess at random among them.
Modeling attacker's belief. The attacker's external knowledge can per-
tain to the possible databases or exclusively to the possible secrets. Note that
any attacker who forms an opinion on how to rank possible databases can infer
the ranking of the corresponding secrets and is therefore at least as knowl-
edgeable (and dangerous) as an attacker who does not understand or care
about the underlying database, focusing solely on the secret.
To defend against the more dangerous class of attackers, we model the
attacker's a priori belief (i.e. before observing
( D )) as a probability distri-
bution δ on all databases. This induces a belief (probability distribution) P δ
on all secrets as follows: given candidate secret s , the probability P δ [ s ] that s
is the actual secret is the sum of probabilities of all databases witnessing s :
2 We know such representations exist: (an admittedly crude) one is given by the
definition of
together with
( D ).
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