Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
2.1 Attacks
In this model we only consider attackers who access the data legally by in-
specting the published data
( D ), using it together with external knowledge
to infer information about the secret
( D ). The defense against unauthorized
access to the database is beyond the scope of this model.
Possible databases. Ideally, the attacker would like to reverse-engineer
D starting from the observed published data
( D ). This would immediately
lead to the full disclosure of the secret: the attacker could compute the secret
by directly running
over D .Ofcourse,
is likely to be a lossy data transfor-
mation, thus precluding the unequivocal identification of its arguments from
its output. In general there may be (potentially infinitely) many databases
which have the same image as D under
. The attacker cannot distinguish
among them solely by observing the published data
( D ), regardless of the
computational resources at his disposal. Therefore, in the absence of exter-
nal knowledge about D , all databases with the same image are possible from
the attacker's point of view (we will shortly introduce the attacker's external
knowledge into the model). We therefore refer to the set [ D ] V of databases as
the possible databases given
( D ):
D |V
( D )=
[ D ] V :=
( D )
Example 2. Continuing Example 1, assume that the owner publishes a view
listing all the patients V p ( p ):
PDA ( p, d, a ) and one listing all ailments
treated by the hospital: V a ( a ):
PDA ( p, d, a ) . Assume that on the actual
database D , V p ( D ) yields
Then some of the possible databases corresponding to the observed views are
D 1 =
John, Jane
and V a ( D ) yields
flu, pneumonia
(John, doc 1 , flu), (Jane, doc 2 , pneumonia)
, D 2 =
(John, doc 3 , flu),
(John, doc 3 , pneumonia), (Jane, doc 4 , flu)
, etc., where doc i are unknown
doctor names.
Clearly the set of possible databases may be very large. For example, con-
sider the case when the published data is a projection of a table. By observing
the published table (and using no external knowledge about the data), an at-
tacker must assume any possible completion for the missing columns. This is
the case in Example 2 if the attacker does not know the set of all possible
It is therefore not a priori given that the attacker is even able to enumerate
all possible databases. In the following, we assume the worst-case scenario for
the owner, namely that the attacker comes up with some finite representation
of the set of possible databases which he uses for reasoning about the secret.
Note that the more advantage we assume for the attacker, the stronger any
privacy guarantees based on these assumptions.
Possible secrets. Since the owner cares about guarding only the secret
(rather than the non-sensitive parts of the database), the privacy model fo-
cuses on possible secrets. From a reasonable attacker's point of view, a secret
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