Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Name your new workspace.
7 Whenever you want to reload a workspace, whether it's one that you created or one that comes standard
with Photoshop, select Window > Workspace and select the desired workspace from the list.
Hidden tools
Some of the tools in the Tools panel display a small triangle at the bottom-right corner. This indicates that
there are additional tools hidden under the tool.
1 Click and hold the Brush tool to see the hidden Pencil, Color Replacement, and Mixer Brush tools. You
can also access the hidden tools by right-clicking (Windows) or Ctrl+clicking (Mac OS).
Selecting a hidden tool.
2 Select the Mixer Brush tool ( ) and release. The Color Mixer tool is now the visible tool, and the op-
tions in the Options bar have been changed.
The Mixer Brush simulates realistic painting techniques, such as mixing colors on the canvas, combin-
ing colors on a brush, or varying paint wetness across a stroke.
You will now change the foreground color by selecting Set the foreground color in the Tools panel.
3 Click once on the foreground color at the bottom of the Tools panel; the Color Picker appears.
4 Position your cursor on the Color Slider (hue) to the right of the Color Pane and click and drag it up un-
til shades of orange appear in the Color Pane.
5 Click once in the Color Pane to select an orange color. Any orange color will do for this exercise, but
you can also type a value into the text fields for a more accurate selection. In this example, a color with
the RGB value of R: 236 , G: 169 , B: 24 was selected.
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