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Table 14.3 ( continued )
Affective Reaction?
Affective Factor
Definition and Source
Original Measure Items
Satisfaction: Service satisfaction
My company's senior management is satisfied with security
Unclear what “satisfied”
(of an application service provider
and privacy offered by the ASP.
means in this paper.
[ASP]): a positive affective state
My company's senior management is willing to share work-
resulting from the appraisal of all
load and information with an ASP.
aspects of a firm's working relation-
My company's management information systems (MIS)
ship with another firm (Susarla
department is satisfied with the security and privacy offered
et al., 2003)
by the ASP.
Our MIS is willing to share workload and information with
an ASP.
Overall, I am satisfied with the ASP's way of implementing
IS projects.
Satisfaction: Users' affect
Your overall experience of online banking division use is:
regarding (feeling about) prior
Very dissatisfied/very satisfied.
online banking division use
Very displeased/very pleased.
(Bhattacherjee, 2001)
Very frustrated/very contented.
Absolutely terrible/absolutely delighted.
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