Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The basic shader component
7. Add a Texture Coordinate node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Texture
Coordinate), a Mapping node (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Mapping),
two Voronoi Texture nodes (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture | Voronoi
Texture), and two Noise Texture nodes (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture |
Noise Texture). Label the textures as Voronoi Texture1 , Voronoi Texture2 ,
Noise Texture1 , and Noise Texture2 .
8. Place the four textures in a row. Then connect the Object output of the Texture
Coordinate node to the Vector input socket of the Mapping node, and the Vector
output of this node to the Vector input sockets of the four texture nodes.
9. Set the Scale value of the Voronoi Texture1 node to 38.000 , the Voronoi Texture2
node to 62.300 , the Noise Texture1 node to 300.000 , and the Noise Texture2
node to 900.000 .
10. Add three ColorRamp nodes (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | ColorRamp).
Label them as ColorRamp1 , ColorRamp2 , and ColorRamp3 . Connect the Color
output of the Voronoi Texture1 node to the Fac input socket of the ColorRamp1
node, the Color output of the Voronoi Texture2 node to the Fac input socket of the
ColorRamp2 node, and the Color output of the Noise Texture1 node to the Fac input
socket of the ColorRamp3 node.
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