Graphics Reference
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21. Connect the Color output of the new MixRGB node to the Fac input socket of the
ColorRamp node. Then connect the Color output of this node to the empty socket
of the Group Output node. Go to ColorRamp and set the position of the black color
stop to 0.500 and the position of the white color stop to 0.545 as shown in the
following screenshot:
Creating a Color output in the node group to be used later to detail the stencil effect
22. Drag the Strength and the Distance sockets of the Bump node to the Group Input
node, and rename them as Bump_Strength and Bump_Distance , respectively.
Move the Vector socket to the bottom. Press Tab to exit Edit Mode.
23. Rename the group as Rock_proc_02 , and enable the fake user . Set the Rock_Color
values for R 0.078 , G to 0.067 , and B to 0.056 ; the Rock_Scale to 0.600 ; and the
Rock_Darkness to 0.469 as shown in the following screenshot:
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