Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
In the Choose Screen layout button at the top, switch from Default to Animation.
In the Graph Editor window, press T . In the Set Keyframe Interpolation pop-up
menu, select the Linear item under Interpolation. Then press Shift + E , and in the
Set Keyframe Extrapolation pop-up menu, select the Linear Extrapolation item to
make the ocean animation constant and continuous.
Go back to the Default screen and rename the Plane as Ocean_surface .
Have a look at the following screenshot:
The Plane with the assigned Ocean modifier, and the settings to the right
7. Place the Camera to have a nice angle on the ocean, and then go to the Camera view
(press 0 on the numeric keypad).
8. Add a Cube in the middle of the scene and, if you want, a UV Sphere in the
foreground. Place these so that they float in the air. Their only purpose is to get
reflected by the ocean surface during the shader setup.
9. Go to the World window and click on the Use Nodes button under the Surface
subpanel. Then click on the little square with a dot on the right side of the color slot.
From the pop-up menu, navigate to Texture | Sky Texture.
10. Select the Lamp, go to the Object data window, and click on the Use Nodes button
under the Nodes subpanel. Set a yellowish color for the light (change the value of R
to 1.000 , G to 0.989 , and B to 0.700 ). Turn it to Sun, set the Size value to 0.010 ,
and set the Strength value to 2.500 .
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