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discipline. Education, art, and information technology seem to lead the pack.
With backgrounds in all three of these areas, I decided to take a pan disciplinary
approach and not rely on one interpretation of what a Web portfolio should be.
With this interdisciplinary approach in mind, I present a well rounded cache of
viewpoints and theories that put the Web portfolio into an applicable perspec-
tive to achieve goals. I also give viewpoint as to what the future of the electronic
portfolio and Web portfolio will be as the information society continues to
flourish. I give these points of view with hope that you will establish your own
definition of an electronic portfolio that fits into your disciplinary context. As
well, my goal for this text is to provide somewhat of a technical guidebook to
help you build your Web portfolio using industry standard tools.
I have helped hundreds of students and individuals develop Web portfolios
across disciplines. In my experience, I have seen the technical obstacles that
stand in the way of developing a great and effective Web portfolio and I have
realized solutions. These solutions are presented in this text.
This topic is written in modular steps. I did this because the process presented
in this topic can guide you towards creating a real Web portfolio. However,
each module is filled with sub-processes that provide completely new learning
and skills on their own. Each chapter holds a piece of the Web portfolio
development process but also provides information on a reusable skill that can
be utilized in future projects. I tried to give you the nuts and bolts for each step
in the Web portfolio development process. The best way for you to learn about
Web portfolio design is to work through creating a real Web portfolio. As we
do this, moving through the topic, we're going to use, a fully
functional Web portfolio that serves me as an educator and as a communication
design consultant as a working prototype. The portfolio was built with
academic content and business content. This site will be out in the real world
as a commercial project. It can be viewed as a business Web portfolio or an
educator's Web portfolio. This fits my specific goal of using the site as a portal
for my professional and academic endeavors. When you complete your Web
portfolio, I give you instructions on how to upload it and provide suggestions
for low cost and free Web portfolio hosting. My site is used for examples
presented throughout the topic and I strongly state that my Web portfolio is
only one example and it is specific to me. You should use the technical samples
as reference as you develop your own style, visual and technical designs.
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