Java Reference
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This element is used to define report parameters. Parameter values are supplied via a
java.util.Map by calling the appropriate methods in the JasperReports API.
<parameter name="SomeParameter"
A JRXML template can contain zero or more <parameter> elements.
This element is used to define an SQL query to obtain data from a database.
<![CDATA[SELECT column_name FROM table_name]]>
A JRXML template can contain zero or one <queryString> element. This element is
required if we wish to embed an SQL query into the report template.
This element is used to map data from datasources or queries into report templates.
Fields can be combined in report expressions to obtain the necessary output.
<field name="FieldName" class="java.lang.String"/>
A JRXML template can contain zero or more <field> elements.
Report expressions, used several times in a report, can be assigned to variables to
simplify the template.
<variable name="VariableName"
A JRXML template can contain zero or more <variable> elements.
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