Java Reference
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or allow us to do some other tasks like importing Java packages, or setting the report
font. Unless stated otherwise, each element can be used any number of times in the
template. The following sections outline all the sub-elements of the <jasperReport>
root element.
This element is used to put arbitrary information in the report template.
<property name="someproperty"
Properties can be retrieved by a Java application loading the report by invoking the
JasperReport.getProperty() method.
A JRXML template can contain zero or more <property> elements.
This element is used to import individual Java classes or complete packages.
<import value="java.util.HashMap"/>
A JRXML template can contain zero or more <import> elements.
This element is used to define one or more fonts that can be used on the text
displayed on the report.
<reportFont name="Arial"
fontName="Arial" size="12"
isBold="true" isItalic="false"
A JRXML template can contain zero or more <reportFont> elements.
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