Java Reference
In-Depth Information
dist : A directory containing a JAR file that contains the JasperReports
library. We should add this JAR file to our CLASSPATH to take advantage of
docs : A directory that contains a local copy of the JasperReports website.
lgpl.txt : A text document that contains the full text of the LGPL license.
lib : A directory containing all libraries needed, both to build JasperReports
and to use it in our applications.
readme.txt : A text document containing instructions on how to build and
execute the supplied examples.
src : A directory containing the JasperReports source code.
Getting Up and Running Quickly
To get up and running quickly, the files to be added
to the CLASSPATHaretheJasperReportsJARile�its
are the JasperReports JAR file �its
file name should be jasperreports-1.2.2.jar or
similar, depending on the exact JasperReports version)
which can be found under the dist subdirectory of the
directory created while extracting the project ZIP file, or
downloaded directly as described above, and all the JAR
files under the lib subdirectory of the directory created
while extracting the project ZIP file. By adding these files
to the CLASSPATH, we don't have to worry about the
CLASSPATH when implementing additional functionality
(e.g. exporting to PDF or producing charts).
JasperReports Class Library
JasperReports is distributed as a JAR file that needs to be added to the CLASSPATH
of any application for which we wish to add reporting capabilities. The
JasperReports library requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3 or newer.
For all JasperReports -related tasks, we need to add the JasperReports library
to our CLASSPATH. The JasperReports library can be found under the dist
subdirectory of the directory created while extracting the project ZIP file. It is named
jasperreports-1.2.2.jar . The exact file name will vary depending on the version
of JasperReports we are working with.
Required Libraries for Report Compilation
The project ZIP file, described in the previous section, contains all the required
supporting libraries. If that file is downloaded, all the required libraries can be found
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