Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Setting Up Our Environment
To set up our environment to get ready to start creating reports, we need to extract
the JasperReports project ZIP file to a location of our choice. Once we extract the
project ZIP file, we should see a jasperreports-1.2.2 directory containing the
following files and directories:
build : A directory containing the compiled JasperReports class files.
build.xml : An ANT build file to build the JasperReports source code. If we
don't intend to modify JasperReports, we don't need to use this file since
JasperReports is distributed in compiled form.
changes.txt : A text document explaining the differences between the
current and previous versions of the JasperReports class library.
demo : A directory containing various examples demonstrating several aspects
of JasperReports functionality.
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