Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
9. Drag the sky photo behind your masked image. Use the Free
Transform command to scale and position the clouds. There
may be fringe on the edges that will need touching up.
10. Select the Layer Mask thumbnail in the Layers panel.
11. Open the Properties panel and click the Mask Edge button to
refine the mask as desired.
Shooting Skies
The desert or the ocean is the best
place to shoot the sky. This is often
because the amount of environ-
mental and light pollution is greatly
reduced. Don't worry if this isn't an
option for you; just keep your eyes
out for a great day with beautiful
skies and remember to shoot some
still plates for your collection.
12. Touch up a ny problem a rea s on t he L ayer M a sk . Use t he
Smudge tool set to Darken mode to touch up the area around
the trees on the right of the frame. You can also touch up the
Layer Mask by using a paintbrush and black set to 20% Opac-
ity. Brush over areas that need to be blended.
13. Blur the sky slightly so it better matches the depth of field in
the image. Use the trees for guidance. You can use the Gauss-
ian blur filter (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) set to a value of
4-6 pixels.
14. To ma ke t he color s ma t ch
better, you can place a sec-
ond copy of the sky on top.
Be sure just the blue sky is
covering the photo. Set the
blending mode to Overlay
or Soft Light and lower the
Opacity of the layer.
The completed image, Ch11_
Fix_Sky_Completed.tif, is on
the DVD if you'd like to exam-
ine it more closely.
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