Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The Hue/Saturation command lets you adjust the hue, saturation,
and lightness of color components in an image. Additionally, you
can simultaneously adjust all the colors in an image. This com-
mand can work in two ways:
To a dju st color s i in a in i ma ge t ha t appea r s sl ig ht ly out of pha se
or skewed toward a color, such as an image that appears to
have a blue overcast
To c rea t e st yl i st ic cha nges by d r a ma t ic a l ly cha ng i ng color s i in
an object, such as trying out different combinations of colors
in a logo
The Five Most Useful
Image Adjustments
Black & White
When combined with a selection command (such as Color Range),
the Hue/Saturation command can be used to selectively enhance
colors in an image.
Let's give the command a try.
1. Close any open files, and then open the file
Ch10_Hue_Saturation.tif from the Chapter
10 folder. You'll subtly tweak the color in the
2. Choose Select > Color Range and click the
motorcycle body to make an initial selection.
Hold down the Shift key to add to the selec-
tion. Adjust the Fuzziness slider to soften the
selection. Use the Localized Color Clusters
to further constrain the selection. Click OK
when you have a suitable selection.
3. Click the Hue/Saturation button in the
Adjustments panel to add an adjustment
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