Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can see, the histogram is compressed well to the left, or shadow side. To
begin the correction, you'll drag the Exposure slider to the right. For this particular image,
even a full four stops doesn't begin to clip the highlights, but the adjustments made a huge
difference in the amount of detail available, as you can see from Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6 After the Exposure
control is adjusted, the image
displays detail across the his-
Further adjustments to the other sliders in Camera Raw fine-tune the image
for shadow and contrast. Adjustments to both the Temperature and Tint controls
correct the color cast and white balance problems in the original image, as seen in
Figure 3.7.
Figure 3.7 Additional adjust-
ments made to Shadows,
Brightness, Contrast, and White
Balance have corrected the
image further. Note that the
histogram is more evenly dis-
tributed from shadow to high-
light. Because of the amount of
underexposure, it will be
impossible to completely elimi-
nate the loss of data on the
shadow side of the histogram.
I've made the best of the situa-
tion with these settings.
The final image, shown in Figure 3.8, has become very usable because of the lat-
itude offered by the RAW format. With this much adjustment to the exposure, you can
plan on having issues with noise. In this particular image the noise is noticeable but not
objectionable. Other subjects, especially those where high levels of detail are visible,
won't handle this much adjustment.
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