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We can extend DefaultExceptionHandler and add a method that handles
Throwable , using a ForwardResolution to display the exception page:
Download email_29/src/stripesbook/ext/
package stripesbook.ext;
public class MyExceptionHandler extends DefaultExceptionHandler {
private static final String VIEW = "/WEB-INF/jsp/exception.jsp";
private static final Log log =
Log.getInstance(MyExceptionHandler. class );
public Resolution catchAll(Throwable exc, HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse resp)
return new ForwardResolution(VIEW);
The name of the method can be whatever we want. What's important is
that the method be public and accept the three parameters. Returning
a Resolution is optional.
Now, we can easily add handler methods for specific exceptions. For
example, the exception thrown when trying the /Admin.action URL is
actually an ActionBeanNotFoundException . In that case, we can use Error-
Resolution to return an HTTP error code back to the client: the infamous
404. HttpServletResponse contains constants for error codes, so we'll use
Download email_29/src/stripesbook/ext/
public Resolution catchActionBeanNotFound(
ActionBeanNotFoundException exc,
HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
return new ErrorResolution(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);
Next, we'll configure the application to use not_found.jsp for the 404 error
Download email_29/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
<error-code> 404 </error-code>
<location> /WEB-INF/jsp/not_found.jsp </location>
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