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the database and the persistence layer. What's more, we left the original
applicationContext.xml and web.xml unchanged. We have a neat separa-
tion between the application code and the test code.
Out-of-Container Testing with Mockito
Getting our tests to be executable without depending on the database
or the persistence layer is nice, as is using the Stripes mock objects
because we can test action bean features. However, you might like some
of your tests to be even more “stand-alone,” meaning that you can test
a class in isolation without having to set up the Stripes mock objects.
For example, consider testing the phone number type converter by
itself. We can write tests for the convert ( ) method without any depen-
Download email_27/src/stripesbook/test/plainmock/
package stripesbook.test.plainmock;
import static org.junit.Assert. * ;
public class PhoneNumberTypeConverterTest {
private TypeConverter<PhoneNumber> typeConverter;
private Collection<ValidationError> errors;
public void setup() {
typeConverter = new PhoneNumberTypeConverterFormatter();
errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
public void testValidPhoneNumber() {
PhoneNumber phoneNumber = typeConverter.convert(
"(555) 444.6667", PhoneNumber. class , errors);
assertEquals(0, errors.size());
assertEquals("555", phoneNumber.getAreaCode());
assertEquals("444", phoneNumber.getPrefix());
assertEquals("6667", phoneNumber.getSuffix());
public void testInvalidPhoneNumber() {
PhoneNumber phoneNumber = typeConverter.convert(
" 55 444.667 ", PhoneNumber. class , errors);
assertEquals(1, errors.size());
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