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That worked because the phone number type converter doesn't use
anything other than the String input and the list of errors that we pro-
vide, both of which are simple to create. But what about a class that
depends on objects that are not so easy to create, such as the MyLo-
calePicker , which needs an HttpServletRequest and an HttpSession ?
Download email_27/src/stripesbook/ext/
package stripesbook.ext;
public class MyLocalePicker extends DefaultLocalePicker {
public static final String LOCALE = "locale";
public Locale pickLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
// Look in the request.
String locale = request.getParameter(LOCALE);
if (locale != null ) {
session.setAttribute(LOCALE, locale);
// Not found in the request? Look in the session.
else {
locale = (String) session.getAttribute(LOCALE);
// Use the locale if found.
if (locale != null ) {
return new Locale(locale);
// Otherwise, use the default.
return super .pickLocale(request);
Say we wanted to test the pickLocale ( ) method according to different
scenarios of what's in the request and what's in the session. It's not so
simple to create mock implementations of HttpServletRequest and HttpSes-
sion . Many libraries exist to help us avoid having to create mock objects
by hand. One such library is Mockito, available at http://www.mockito.
org . Mockito is very simple to use and mocks just about any interface
or class. When we mock an interface or a class, for example, Mockito
will create a mock on the fly that responds to methods without throwing
any exceptions. Furthermore, we can instruct Mockito to return specific
values from method calls so that we can set up the mock according to
the test we want to execute.
Let's see how that works to test MyLocalePicker . Say we wanted to test
that pickLocale ( ) returns the French locale if the locale=fr request para-
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