Java Reference
In-Depth Information
For example:
Download getting_started/web/WEB-INF/jsp/hello.jsp
Date and time: ${}
If you've downloaded the source code package, you'll find the file
using that path. If you're reading the PDF version of this topic with
a PDF viewer that supports hyperlinks, it's even easier: just click
the bar, and the code will appear in a browser window. If your
browser mistakenly tries to interpret the file as HTML, just view
the page source, and you'll see the real code.
Joe Asks...
Joe, the mythical developer, sometimes pops up to ask questions
about what I'm discussing in the text. I answer these questions as
I go along.
Tim Says...
Tim Fennell, who created Stripes, has some wisdom to share every
now and then. Look for these Tim Says... sidebars to read his
rationale, recommendations, and colour (he's English, so he spells
it with a u) commentary.
Road Map
This topic is organized in three parts. Part I is about learning the differ-
ent parts of Stripes and how they work. After setting up a development
environment and getting a “Hello, World!” example running to make
sure everything works, you start building the sample application that
you'll keep improving throughout the topic. In Part II, you are ready to
use Stripes to add more sophisticated functionality to the application.
By Part III, you'll move on to some of the more advanced features of
Stripes and will also learn how to integrate third-party libraries such
as Hibernate, Spring, Guice, JUnit, and jQuery.
Stripes Version
This topic covers Stripes 1.5. If you are using a previous version of
Stripes, consider upgrading to 1.5 for your next project because this
version has many interesting new features that make developing with
Stripes even more enjoyable.
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