Java Reference
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Writing this topic has been a very fulfilling, challenging, enlighten-
ing, and rewarding experience. I have several people to thank. With-
out them, my lifelong dream of writing a computer book (admittedly, a
geek's dream) would not have come true.
Dear Nadia, being married to you has made me happier than I could
ever imagine. You never stop believing in me, and for that I'll always
be grateful. You are a wonderful wife, a fantastic mother, and the most
beautiful person I have ever known. I love you.
Lily Nadine, thank you for being such a bright, active, bouncing, laughing,
happy baby. Every day, you bring us a tremendous amount of joy.
Merci Papa et Maman, Wasfi et Viva, d'être des parents si merveilleux.
Vous faites toujours tout pour moi et j'en suis très reconnaissant. Merci
à vous deux d'avoir chacun eu le courage de surmonter de graves prob-
lèmes de santé. Je vous admire. Que Dieu vous bénisse.
Thank you, Tim Fennell, for creating such an excellent framework. I
was actually able to read and understand all the source code! You truly
did a fantastic job. Thank you for collaborating with me on this topic,
contributing the Tim Says... boxes, reviewing my work, making sugges-
tions for improvement, and answering my questions. Thank you also
for welcoming me as a Stripes committer. Finally, thank you for being
such a great person. Being brilliant and humble at the same time is a
rare and terrific combination.
Thank you, Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, the Pragmatic Program-
mers, for giving this topic a chance in the first place. Special thanks
to Dave for being patient with all the back-and-forth for the topic cover
and to Andy for offering advice and always answering my questions so
promptly and helpfully.
Thank you, Jackie Carter, for tirelessly reviewing my work, offering
advice, always being positive, and helping me make this topic better.
Thank you, Tony George and Steve Francisco, for reviewing my early
drafts back when I had not yet found a publisher. You dedicated your
free time to help me, and I truly appreciate it.
Thank you, Ben Gunter, for answering all my questions and for con-
tributing such great features to Stripes.
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