Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 6.3
Formal basis for the questionnaire - applying Bloom's Taxonomy to
cartographic products
Application of
taxonomy to
General undirected map reading
Name the main streets in the central
area of Townsville. Identify the
harbours in the town, what are their
names? Locate the railway station,
the panoramic lookout point, the
entrance to the harbour and the
way to the airport
Compile a list of points of importance
to mariners using the port facilities.
Summarize the elements that
comprise the town. Generalize what
constitutes the layout of the town
Directed map reading. Users are
asked to locate specific items
and then to summarize and
generalize this information
Classification of information
shown in the product and
making general considerations
related to the production of a
'second-generation' map
product that would
encapsulate the essential
elements of the town
Considering the information shown
on the map, how would you classify
the basic elements of the town? If
you were asked to produce a map
that encapsulated the essential
'things' that comprise the town
what would these elements be?
Considering different
topographical features.
Measuring distances.
Calculation of travelling times
Compare the central city area to the
surrounding areas. How are they
different topographically? Measure
the distance from the panoramic
lookout to the entrance of the main
harbour. Calculate how long it
would take you to walk this distance
Making informed judgements
from the geographical
information provided.
Selecting information deemed
to be important
Differentiate between the main
elements of the town. What are
they? If you were asked to act as a
tourist guide to visitors to the town,
which places would you take them
to? Select two places that would
provide the 'key' points to visit
Comparing the town to other
towns. Evaluating the value of
the town's attributes.
Projecting possible scenarios
Comparing this town to where you
live, what do you think are the main
differences? What do yo think is the
value of the harbour to the town.
Speculate that if there was a
flooding related to a tropical
cyclone, which areas of the town
would be most likely to be affected?
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