Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Occidentalis and Hynix
If your CPU says “Hynix” in a handwriting-style font on it, that indicates that you
have Hynix RAM. It will not work with Occidentalis as of version 0.2. The next ver-
sion is expected to be compatible.
Download the most recent version of Occidentalis at http://learn.adafruit.com/ . It is
only a 99 MB download, which decompresses to a 2.6 GB image, so you only need a
4 GB card, unless you want extra room for storage. As of v0.2, you should see the
raspi-config tool at boot. If not, or if you'd like to return to it later, enter:
$ sudo raspi-config
What's with the Crazy Name?
For starters, it's a lot quicker to type “Occidentalis” than “Adafruit Raspberry Pi
Educational Linux Distro.” But if you go to http://learn.adafruit.com , you'll notice
that the Occidentalis logo looks a lot like the Raspberry Pi logo, but a bit darker.
Rubus occidentalis is a particular species in the rose family more commonly known
as “black raspberry,” hence the name and the logo.
Your options in raspi-config should look familiar if you've used Raspbian, upon which
Occidentalis is based. Here are the ones you'll most likely want to use or change up
Clicking this will give you no further options; it will simply expand the root partition
to fill the available space on the SD card, which will be available after the next
Since the pi user's password is publicly known, it's a good idea to change it at first
Tell it whether you want to boot to the command line or to the GUI desktop.
Update to the latest packages.
Of course, for update , you're going to need to be online, which is easy if you plugged
into a wired connection. But if you're using a WiFi dongle, you'll have to set up the
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