HTML and CSS Reference
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e. Insert a label with the text state , associated with the state field. Add an input box
for the state field directly after the label with a default value of texas .
f. Insert a label with the text Postal code , associated with the zip field. Add an input
box for the zip field directly after the label. Using the regular expression pattern
in the regex.txt file, define the character pattern for the field. Add the placeholder
text nnnnn (-nnnn) .
g. Insert a label with the text Phone , associated with the phone field. Add an input
box for the phone field directly after the label. Define the data type of the phone
field as tel . Using the regular expression pattern in the regex.txt file, define the
character pattern for the phone field. Add the placeholder text (nnn) nnn-nnnn .
h. Insert a label containing the text email , associated with the email field. Add an
input box for the email field directly after the label. Define the data type of the
field as email .
i. Make the fName, lName, address, city, state, and phone fields required fields.
j. Below the contactFields field set, insert another field set with the id otherFields .
Add the legend text Other information .
25. Add the following to the otherFields field set:
a. Insert a label containing the text Name of Primary contact , associated with the
pcontact field. After the label, insert an input box for the pcontact field. Add the
placeholder text Parent or guardian .
b. Insert a label containing the text Relation to student , associated with the ctype
field. After the label, insert a selection list for the ctype field containing the
options Parent and Guardian . The values for the two options also should be
Parent and Guardian , respectively.
c. Insert a label containing the text Musical interest (select all that apply) , associ-
ated with the interest field. After the label, insert a selection list containing the
text shown in Figure AC1-5. The option values associated with text are: brass ,
drums , guitar , piano , strings , voice , and woodwinds . Set the size of the selection
list to seven entries and allow users to select multiple options from the list.
d. Insert a label containing the text Years of Previous Practice , associated with the
years field. Add an input box for the years field with a default value of 0 . Set the
data type of the input box to number , and set the minimum possible value to 0
and the maximum possible value to 12 .
e. After the otherFields field set, insert a check box field named call . Next to the
check box, insert a label containing the text Please contact me for a “Get to
Know You” visit . Assign the label element to the call field.
26. Below the check box label, insert a submit button containing the text submit
information , and then insert a cancel button containing the text cancel .
27. Link the application page to the fstyles.css style sheet. Close the file, saving your
28. Go to the fstyles.css file in your text editor. Add the following to the style sheet:
a. For every field set, create a style rule to: i) set the background color to the value
(231, 231, 255) ; ii) add a 1-pixel solid border with a color value of (67, 76, 169) ;
iii) float the field set on the left margin; iv) set the top margin to 10 pixels , the
right margin to 0 pixels , the bottom margin to 10 pixels , and the left margin to
2.5% ; and v) set the width to 46% .
b. For every legend, create a style rule to: i) set the background color to the value
(67, 76, 169) ; ii) set the font color to white ; and iii) set the padding to 5 pixels .
c. For every label, add a style rule to: i) float the label on the left margin when the
left margin is clear; ii) display the label as a block; iii) set the font size to 0.9 em ;
iv) set the top and bottom margins to 7 pixels , the right margin to 4% , and the left
margin to 5 pixels ; and v) set the width of the label to 40% .
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