HTML and CSS Reference
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ProSkills HTML 741
What can you do if a performance problem emerges? If the issue is trivial, you can
try to ignore it. When it's important to come to a consensus quickly, try working out
a compromise, with each party giving a bit. For situations where the outcome is too
important and compromise won't work, a collaboration approach could be the solu-
tion where the two parties bargain and negotiate their way to a consensus that lets both
win. Accommodation - giving in for the greater good of the group - might work if the
problematic parties are both in the wrong and want to resolve the point so the team
can move on. Only when a situation is urgent and you need to get your way should you
compete against team members to move forward.
Research How the Web Has Changed
The Web is constantly changing, offering users new and innovative ways of present-
ing information and exchanging data. Some of the greatest innovations do not always
come from large and well-financed companies, but from entrepreneurs who see ways
of bringing something new to the Internet community. In this exercise you will work
in a team to explore the dynamic world of the Web.
note: Please be sure not to include any personal information of a sensitive nature in
the files you create to be submitted to your instructor for this exercise. Later on, you
can update the files with such information for your personal use.
1. Assemble a group to research the history and development of some of the most
important sites on the Web, with each member choosing a different site. Have
each member prepare a report exploring what new features those sites brought
to the Web. For example, how did sites such as Google, MySpace, and YouTube
change our perceptions of the Internet? What features did these sites offer that
had not previously been part of the Web?
2. Have your team members explore the impact that new technology has had on
Web page development and the development of HTML5. Focus on the impact of
MP3 players, cell phones, and high-speed wireless connections.
3. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops standards for the browser
market to follow. One of the challenges for a Web site designer is to accommo-
date differences in browser support for the W3C standards. Write a report sum-
marizing the level of browser support for the W3C's specifications for HTML5
and CSS3. The report should include any methods to resolve differences between
the W3C specifications and the browser's level of support. Assign each team
member a different Web browser to investigate.
4. When a Web site changes its content, it's useful to be able to notify users of that
fact. One way of informing users of new and interesting material is by creating
a feed of the site using RSS. Have your team explore the concepts behind RSS,
including the use of RSS in creating audio and video feeds for podcasts.
5. All information on the Web is stored on Web servers. Users interact with the Web
using Web browsers run on their PCs and Macintoshes. One approach to make
communication between the server and the browser more seamless is called
AJAX. Have a member of your team do a Web search on AJAX technology and
report how AJAX has affected the way users interact with Web servers.
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