HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Review Assignments
Practice the skills
you learned in
the tutorial using
the same case
Data files needed for the Review Assignments: dfbase.css, dfeffectstxt.css, dflayout.
css, dfmobiletxt.css, dfprinttxt.css, dubcektxt.htm, family.png, link01.png - link08.png,
modernizr-1.5.js, paper.png, tblogo.png, tblogo_sm.png
Kevin has created another sample document summarizing the history of the Dubcek
family. He would like to use CSS3 to add some visual effects to his page, including drop
shadows, gradients, and opacity filters. He also wants you to design a style sheet for the
printed document and another style sheet for mobile devices. Kevin has already written
several of the style rules he wants to apply to his document, but he needs you to com-
plete the process.
A preview of the page as it appears on a desktop computer is shown in Figure 8-61.
figure 8-61
Dubcek family page
sabri deniz kizil/
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