HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
content: url( url )
Attaches the content of an external file indicated in the url to the
counter-increment: id
Defines the element to be automatically incremented and the
amount by which it is to be incremented, where id is an identifier
of the element and integer defines by how much
counter-reset: id integer Defines the element whose counter is to be reset and the amount
by which it is to be reset, where id is an identifier of the element
and integer defines by how much
crop: value Allows a replaced element to be a rectangular area of an object
instead of the whole object, where value is a shape or auto (CSS3)
hyphenate-after: value Specifies the minimum number of characters after the hyphen-
ation character, where value is an integer or auto (CSS3)
hyphenate-before: value Specifies the minimum number of characters before the hyphen-
ation character, where value is an integer or auto (CSS3)
hyphenate-character: string Specifies the hyphenation character, string (CSS3)
hyphenate-line: value
Specifies the maximum number of hyphenated lines, where value
is an integer or no-limit (CSS3)
url (url)
Provides an external resource at url that defines hyphenation
points (CSS3)
hyphens: type
Defines the hyphenation property, where type is none, manual, or
auto (CSS3)
image-resolution: value
Defines the image resolution, where value is normal, auto, or the
dpi of the image (CSS3)
marks: type
Defines an editor's mark, where type is crop, cross, or none (CSS3)
quotes: text1 text2
Defines the text strings for the open quotes ( text1 ) and the close
quotes ( text2 )
string-set: values
Accepts a comma-separated list of named strings, where values is
the list of text strings (CSS3)
text-replace: string1
Replaces string1 with string2 in the element content (CSS3)
Display Styles
Styles that control the display of the element's content
clip: rect( top , right ,
bottom , left )
Defines what portion of the content is displayed, where top , right ,
bottom , and left are distances of the top, right, bottom,and left
edges from the element's top-left corner; use a value of auto to
allow the browser to determine the clipping region
display: type
Specifies the display type of the element, where type is one of the
following: block, inline, inline-block, inherit, list-item, none,run-in,
table, inline-table, table-caption, table-column, table-cell, table-
column-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group,table-row,
or table-row-group
height: length
Specifies the height of the element in one of the CSS units
of length
min-height: length
Specifies the minimum height of the element
min-width: length
Specifies the minimum width of the element
max-height: length
Specifies the maximum height of the element
max-width: length
Specifies the maximum width of the element
overflow: type
Instructs the browser how to handle content that overflows the
dimensions of the element, where type is auto, inherit, visible,
hidden, or scroll
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