HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
nav-right: position
Specifies where to navigate using the arrow-left and arrow-right
navigation keys, where position is auto, a target-name , or an ele-
ment id (CSS3)
nav-up: position
Specifies where to navigate using the arrow-down and arrow-up
navigation keys, where position is auto, a target-name , or an ele-
ment id (CSS3)
resize: type
Specifies whether an element is resizable and in what direction,
where type is none, both, horizontal, vertical, or inherit (CSS3)
Styles for Multi-column Layouts
column-count: value
Specifies the number of columns, where value is the column num-
ber or auto (CSS3)
column-fill: type
Specifies whether to balance the content of the columns, where
type is auto or balance (CSS3)
column-gap: value
Sets the size of the gap between the columns, where value is the
width of the gap or auto (CSS3)
column-rule: width style
Adds a dividing line between the columns, where width , style ,
and color define the style of the line (CSS3)
column-rule-color: color Defines the color of the dividing line (CSS3)
column-rule-style: style Defines the border style of the dividing line (CSS3)
column-rule-width: width Sets the width of the dividing line (CSS3)
columns: width count
Sets the width and number of columns in the multi-column
layout (CSS3)
column-span: value
Sets the element to span across the columns, where span is 1 or
all (CSS3)
column-width: value
Sets the width of the columns (CSS3)
Styles to generate content
bookmark-label: value
Specifies the label of a bookmark, where value is content, an
attribute , or a text string (CSS3)
bookmark-level: value
Specifies the bookmark level, where value is an integer or
none (CSS3)
bookmark-target: value
Specifies the target of a bookmark link, where value is self, a url ,
or an attribute (CSS3)
border-length: value
Describes a way of separating footnotes from other content,
where value is a length or auto (CSS3)
content: text
Generates a text string to attach to the content of the element
content: attr( attr )
Returns the value of the attr attribute from the element
content: close-quote
Attaches a close quote using the characters specified in the
quotes style
content: counter( text )
Generates a counter using the text string text attached to the
content (most often used with list items)
content: counters( text )
Generates a string of counters using the comma-separated
text string text attached to the content (most often used with
list items)
content: no-close-quote
Prevents the attachment of a close quote to an element
content: no-open-quote
Prevents the attachment of an open quote to an element
content: open-quote
Attaches an open quote using the characters specified in the
quotes style
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