Hardware Reference
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You can find all the code for this section on the GitHub repository of this chapter at ht-
tps://github.com/openhomeautomation/arduino-networking/tree/master/chapter6 .
Even if you decide to get the code directly from the GitHub repository, note that you will
need to take your own Temboo account file or enter the correct information in the Temboo
account file provided on GitHub.
We can now test the project. Upload the code to the Arduino board, go to Google Docs,
and open the spreadsheet of the project. After a moment, you should see the first measure-
ments being logged inside the spreadsheet, as shown in the following screenshot:
You can also use the integrated plotting functionalities of Google Docs to display the
measurements on a graph. You can simply select the columns corresponding to the data
(A, B, and C in the example developed in this chapter), and click on the Insert Chart but-
ton inside the toolbar. You will be prompted to choose the type of graph you want to plot.
I simply chose a line chart to plot all the data on a single graph. The graph will look simil-
ar to the following screenshot:
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