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Now, we need to format the data so it can be recorded correctly in Google Docs. What
you want to insert in a given row is a timestamp, the temperature, and the humidity. For
the timestamp, we are simply going to use the time that has passed since the device was
powered on with the millis() function.
The data itself will be contained inside a string variable, where the value of each column
will be separated with a comma, as shown in the following code:
String RowDataValue = String(millis()) + "," +
String(temperature) + "," + String(humidity);
AppendRowChoreo.addInput("RowData", RowDataValue);
We also need to set which Choreo we want to use with the following line:
Then, we can finally execute Choreo and store the result in a variable called re-
turnCode using the following line:
unsigned int returnCode = AppendRowChoreo.run();
If this code is equal to 0 after Choreo has been executed, it means that everything went
fine, and we will print the corresponding message on the Serial Monitor for debugging
purposes using the following piece of code:
if (returnCode == 0) {
} else {
// A non-zero return code means there was an error
// Read and print the error message
while (AppendRowChoreo.available()) {
char c = AppendRowChoreo.read();
If that's not the case, we will print the corresponding error message on the Serial Monitor.
Finally, we close Choreo with the following line:
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