Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Part 3
Integrating enterprise
OSGi with everything else
Now that we've reached part III of our topic, it's time to start looking at
how OSG i relates to the environment you already have. Our main focus so far
has been developing new applications from scratch. Although we're sure you'd
agree that this is a fun approach, it isn't realistic to assume that you'll always be
starting with a clean slate. Java has a rich and successful history, and this means
that there will be a lot of existing code that you want to use.
Despite our description of the enterprise as a large distributed system in sec-
tion 1.1.2, your applications so far have been firmly tied to a single virtual
machine. You'll remedy this in chapter 10, where we look at how to extend
enterprise OSG i applications between frameworks.
In chapter 11, we consider how to connect OSG i frameworks to non- OSG i
containers using SCA and ESB s. We also present suggestions for how to migrate
applications running in these non- OSG i containers to OSG i.
In chapter 12, we'll look at how to use existing Java libraries. You may hit a num-
ber of pitfalls using libraries that weren't designed for OSG i in an OSG i environ-
ment, so we'll explain what to watch out for and how to make everything work.
Finally, we'll review the available enterprise OSG i servers in chapter 13. Many
of the popular application servers support OSG i applications, and you can also
assemble a good OSG i stack starting with a simple OSG i container.
By the time we finish this part, our work here will be done, and you should
have a thorough mastery of enterprise OSG i. But first, let's have a look at distrib-
uted OSG i.
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