Graphics Reference
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Box dx dy dz
Create a 3D box. If specified, ( dx , dy , dz ) are the lengths of
the sides. [2. 2. 2.]
Create a solid cylinder. [1. 1.]
Cylinder radius
Cone radius height Create a solid cone. [1. 1.]
Create a unit disk parallel to the XY plane and passing
through Z = 0.
LinesAdjacency [v0]
[v1] [v2] [v3]
Create an instance of the OpenGL geometry shader
GL_LINES_ADJACENCY primitive. This only works with
geometry shaders. Each vertex consists of an x , y , and z ,
given in square brackets. So, for instance, [ v0 ] might be:
[1. 2. 3.]
glBegin topology
glVertex x y z
Specify the vertices for different OpenGL tropologies,
including LinesAdjacency, TrianglesAdjacency, and the
new GL_PATCHES topology, discussed in Chapter 13.
Set the width of individual lines to N pixels.
Linewidth N
Create a 3D point cloud, a regular point grid in three
dimensions. The parameters num* are the number of points
to use in each direction.
PointCloud numx
numy numz
Create a 3D point cloud as above, with the position of each
point jitered (moved randomly) from its regular position.
JitterCloud numx
numy numz
Define the size of points in your scene.
Pointsize size
QuadBox numquads Create a series of numquads (quadrilaterals parallel to the
XY plane). The XYZ coordinates run from (-1.,-1.,-1.) to
(1.,1.,1.). The 3D texture coordinates run from (0.,0.,0.) to
(1.,1.,1.). This is a good way to test 3D textures. [10]
QuadXY z size nx ny Create a quadrilateral parallel to the XY plane, passing
through Z = z . If given, size is the quadrilateral's dimen-
sion, going from ( -size , -size ) to ( size , size ) in X and
Y . If given, nx and ny are the number of sub-quads this
quadrilateral is broken into. This is a good way to test 2D
textures. [0 1 4 4]
QuadXZ y size nx nz Creates a quadrilateral parallel to the XZ plane, passing
through Y = y . If given, size is the quadrilateral's dimen-
sion, going from ( -size , -size ) to ( size , size ) in X and Z .
If given, nx and nz are the number of sub-quads this quad-
rilateral is broken into. [0 1 4 4]
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