Graphics Reference
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things. While we always write commands with an initial capital leter, they are
case-insensitive. Some commands have default parameters. These are given
with the command description.
Window and Viewing
WindowSize wx wy Specify the initial graphics window size in pixels. [600. 600.]
Ortho xl xr yb yt Set the current projection to orthographic with the given
parameters. [-1. 1. -1. 1.]
Set the current projection to perspective with the given field
of view (angle in degrees). [50.]
Persp fov
Set the current rendering color to ( r , g , b , a ). If no alpha value
is given, alpha is set to 1.0. 0. ≤ r , g , b , a ≤ 1. ( glman can also
take Colour to make it look more international.)
Color r g b a
Like OpenGL itself, these transformations take effect in the reverse order in
which they are listed; the one nearest to the geometry is performed first.
Translate tx ty tz Pre-concatenate a translation by the given translation
values onto the current matrix.
Rotate angle ax ay az Pre-concatenate a rotation by the given angle around
the line with the given direction onto the current matrix
(angle in degrees).
Pre-concatenate a scale by the given scale factors onto
the current matrix.
Scale sx sy sz
Uniformly scale by ( s , s , s ,)
Scale s
Push the current matrix on the matrix stack.
Pop the current matrix from the matrix stack.
Defining Geometry
The geometry options let you select enough shapes to see how your shaders
will perform on a variety of different objects. The .obj file option lets you use a
large number of shapes that you can get from different sources.
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