Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 13.60
Figure 13.61
Particle targets
Particles flow from one mesh to the other.
13.11 Boids Particle Systems
Boids particle systems are used to simulate flocks, swarms, herds, and schools of various
kinds of animals or anything that acts with similar behavior. Boids particle systems are of
“Type: Emitter” but have boids physics applied. Boids particles in one particle system can
react to particles in another system or they can react to particles within their own system.
Boids are given rules of behavior, which are listed in a stack. The rules at the top of the stack
take precedence over rules lower down in the stack, but the stack is able to be rearranged
once it is written. Since only a certain amount of information is able to be evaluated if the
memory capacity is exceeded, rules lower down the stack are ignored. The procedure for
setting up boids particle systems will be demonstrated with the following examples.
13.11.1 Example: A Flock of Birds
Since we're still working with the basics, our particles will act like a flock of birds but won't
actually look like birds. Open a new Blender scene and stick with the default cube: this will
be our particle emitter. In the properties window - “Particles” button, add a new particle
system. Leave all the button settings as their default values, except for the following:
“Emission” tab
- Amount: 30 (we'll have a small flock)
- Lifetime: 250 (the default animation length in the timeline)
“Physics” tab
Select “Boids.”
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