Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Rendering and Ray Tracing
8.1 Render Settings
8.2 Rendering a JPEG Image
8.3 Creating a Video Clip
8.4 Ray Tracing
8.1 Render Settings
Rendering is the conversion of the data of the camera view
in your Blender scene file into an image file or a movie file.
The “Render” tab in the properties window is where you tell
the program what you want as an output from your scene
(Figure 8.1). Do you want a JPEG picture image or a movie?
What size do you want the output to be? Do you want a high
quality output or a draft style format? Do you want shadows
or ray tracing effects? How about motion blur? If you're do-
ing a movie, how many frames per second do you want the
movie to run? Lastly, where do you want to save the file? All
of these issues are addressed with the “Render” buttons. Ob-
viously, the higher the quality of the output, the slower it will
render and the larger the file size will be when it is finished.
There are many options that need to be addressed in or-
der to save your work as an image or movie. Some of these
feature will be discussed in more detail in later chapters. For
now, we are just interested in saving basic images in JPEG
(.jpg) format and movies in the Windows movie (.mpg) for-
mat. Be aware that other options exist and more are added
every few releases.
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