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Listing 9.1. Initial POJO modeling attempt
There is nothing too complicated here—this is basic object modeling. Both the User and
Movie concepts have been modeled as first-class entities—that seems reasonable enough.
Viewing class. This is primarily because the relationship itself holds important inform-
ation that you want to retain and use—namely the stars rating provided by the user. If
you had modeled this as a simple collection type relationship between User and Movie ,
you'd lose this information.
At this point there is still no reference to any SDN- or Neo4j-specific concepts, just POJO
stuff. Next, you'll need to map this entity into the underlying Neo4j graph model.
How close have you gotten to creating a POJO model that's easily translatable into the
you appear to have a good fit, with the User and Movie classes mapping neatly into the
Neo4jnodesprimitiveconceptwithanassociated name and title property,respectively.
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