Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The new referredBy relationship
is represented as a reference to the user who did
the referring, while the IS_FRIEND_OF relationship between users maps nicely to
thesetoffriends.Theonlytrickypartseemstobethemodelingsurroundingthe Viewing
class, which is trying to represent the scenario where a user has seen a movie and option-
ally rated it. Further inspection, however, reveals that this also fits perfectly into the Neo4j
relationship concept. The Viewing class represents the HAS_SEEN relationship with its
optional stars property, as well as the User who viewed the movie and the Movie ref-
erence itself.
So far so good; now it's time to do the mapping with SDN.
It won't always be possible to find a logical POJO model that's so closely tied to the phys-
to adapt your model to fit. In any case, what this does highlight is how general POJO mod-
eling concepts translate relatively well into Neo4j structures.
SDN modeling challenges
The logical model we've used for this chapter happens to translate very easily, and without
much adjusting, to the physical Neo4j storage structure. It's worth highlighting two scen-
arios where youmay have an object model that requires a bit ofadjusting to fit some ofthe
SDN mapping requirements. These are some common scenarios:
Using non-Set-based collections —When modeling node entity relationships (via
@RelatedTo ,whichiscoveredin section 9.2.5 ),atpresentonly Set -backedcol-
lections may be used. For example, you can't have the following:
private Map<RelationshipType,Set<User>> users;
Entity equality —SDN requires the database ID (the node/relationship ID) form
part of an object's identity. Quoting from the reference guide, “Entity equality can
equality, there is the issue of versioning over time, etc. For Spring Data Neo4j we
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