Graphics Programs Reference
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Working with panels
Panels provide quick access to commonly used tools and features. By default, panels are
docked at the right side of the screen (except the aforementioned Tools panel and Control
panel). The panels that display by default are different depending on the selected work-
space, and each workspace remembers its panel configuration. You can reorganize panels
in various ways. Here, you'll experiment with opening, collapsing, and closing the default
panels in the Advanced workspace.
Expanding and collapsing panels
In this exercise, you will expand and collapse a panel, hide the panel names, and expand all
the panels in the dock.
A dock is a collection of panels that are “glued” together.
1. In the default dock to the right of the document window, click the Pages panel icon
to expand the Pages panel. This technique is handy if you want to open a panel,
use it briefly, and then close it.
You can choose from several techniques to collapse a panel.
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