Database Reference
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So, we have the following points to consider:
• Turn off the block cache for sequential scans
• Turn off the block cache for random/repeated access
Benchmarking or load testing HBase
Benchmarking is a good way to verify HBase's setup and performance. There
are a few good benchmarks available:
• HBase's built-in benchmark
• The Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark ( YCSB )
JMeter for custom workloads
HBase's built-in benchmark
HBase's built-in benchmark is PerformanceEvaluation.
To find its usage, use this:
$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation
To perform a write benchmark, use this:
$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation --nomapred
randomWrite 5
Here we are using five threads and no MapReduce.
To accurately measure the throughput, we need to presplit the table that the
benchmark writes to. It is TestTable .
$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation --nomapred
--presplit=3 randomWrite 5
Here, the table is split in three ways. It is good practice to split the table into as many
regions as the number of region servers.
There is a read option along with a whole host of scan options.
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