Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The YCSB is a comprehensive benchmark suite that works with many systems such
as Cassandra, Accumulo, and HBase.
Download it from GitHub, as follows:
$ git clone git://
Build it like this:
$ mvn -DskipTests package
Create an HBase table to test against:
$ hbase shell
hbase> create 'ycsb', 'f1'
Now, copy hdfs-site.xml for your cluster into the hbase/src/main/conf/
directory and run the benchmark:
$ bin/ycsb load hbase -P workloads/workloada -p columnfamily=f1 -p
YCSB offers lots of workloads and options. Please refer to its wiki
page at .
JMeter for custom workloads
The standard benchmarks will give you an idea of your HBase cluster's performance.
However, nothing can substitute measuring your own workload.
We want to measure at least the insert speed or the query speed.
We also want to run a stress test. So, we can measure the ceiling on how much our
HBase cluster can support.
We can do a simple instrumentation as we did earlier too. However, there are tools
such as JMeter that can help us with load testing.
Setting up using JMeter is beyond the scope of this topic. Please refer to the JMeter
website and check out the Hadoop or HBase plugins for JMeter.
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