Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-29 Filling out the cheek with the Grab tool
Grease Pencil and Frame Changes
A primary use of the Grease Pencil tool is for animators to make annotations directly on their animations. For
this reason, the tool is sensitive to the frame on which the annotations are made. Annotations on a given layer
persist through frames until the next frame on which an annotation has been written. For example, if you draw a
square while in frame 1 on the timeline, the square will persist through all subsequent frames. However, if you
move forward to frame 10 on the timeline and draw a circle on the same Grease Pencil layer, the square will dis-
appear on that frame and be replaced by the new annotation with the circle. After that, frames 1 through 9 will
display the original square annotation, and frames from 10 on will display the circle annotation. If you want to
further annotate the square itself, you must make the annotations in the same frame where the original square was
drawn, namely frame 1. Onionskin enables you to see multiple frames' worth of annotations at the same time, as
though through semitransparent onionskin overlays. When making reference sketches for sculpting, Onionskin
should be disabled, and you should make all your Grease Pencil annotations while on frame 1 on the timeline.
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