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All the popular browsers support the text-indent property. The text-shadow property
The text-shadow property lets you give your text a three-dimensional
appearance through the time-honored use of shadowing. Values for the
property include a required offset and optional blur radius and color. The
property may include more than one set of values, separated with com-
mas, to achieve a stack of shadows, with each subsequent set of values
layered on top of the previous one but always beneath the original text.
The property's required offset is composed of two length values: the
first specifies the horizontal offset, and the second specifies the vertical
offset. Positive values place the shadow to the right and below the re-
spective length distance from the text. Negative values move the shad-
ow left and up, respectively.
The optional blur radius is also a length value that specifies the bound-
aries for blurring, an effect that depends on the rendering agent. The
other shadow value is color. This, of course, may be an RGB triple or
color name, as for other properties, and specifies the shadow color. If
you don't specify this value, text-shadow uses the color value of the col-
or property. For example:
h1 {text-shadow; 10px 10px 2px yellow}
p:first-letter {text-shadow: -5px -5px purple, 10px 10px orange}
The first text-shadow example puts a 2-pixel blurred-yellow shadow be-
hind, 10 pixels below, and 10 pixels to the right of level-1 headers in
your document. The second example puts two shadows behind the first
letter of each paragraph. The purple shadow sits 5 pixels above and 5
pixels to the left of that first letter. The other shadow, like in the first
example (although orange in this case), goes 10 pixels to the right and
10 pixels below the first letter of each paragraph.
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