Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11.10 Setting up connection information.
Don't forget to verify the connection by clicking the Test button at the
bottom of the setup screen.
Loading Data
If you want to follow along loading data into PowerPivot, you can download
the sample flight data from (
microsoftbigdatasolutions ). This contains three CSV files:
Flight_Dept_Perf.csv : Contains flight date, carrier code, airport
code, departure times, and departure delays. Although this file only
contains flights during October 2012, this is the type of data that would
be contained in Hadoop spanning multiple years. A Hadoop
map-reduce process would perform an aggregation and load it into a
results table that is then consumed by PowerPivot.
Carriers.csv : Contains the carrier codes and names.
US_Airports.csv : Contains the airport code, name, and its latitude
and longitude.
You will load the data from these files directly into PowerPivot:
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