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Figure 6.3 Multiplied E. faecalis information gate.
transfer is described in Dunny et al. [5]. OG1SSp(pCF10) and OG1RF were
cultured in 1 ml of THB (Todd-Hewitt broth) at 37 C for 18 h. We added 10
tetracycline to the culture medium of OG1SSp(pCF10) to retain the plasmid
in the host cell. After incubation, the culture soup of OG1SSp and OG1RF
was removed completely. We combined OG1SSp(pCF10) and OG1RF after
washing twice with fresh THB. The cell mixtures were resuspended in the
previously removed OG1RF soup. The cell mixtures were incubated at 37 C
for 2.5 h, and, after incubation, were spread on a THB agar plate containing
g/ml fusidic acid. The cells on the plates were
incubated at 37 C for 18 h. We picked a bacterial colony of OG1RF(pCF10)
and cultured it in 1 ml THB with tetracycline and fusidic acid. We added 1 ml
glycerol to the bacterial culture, which was then stocked at
g/ml tetracycline and 50
80 C. We obtained
OG1RF(pAM714) in a similar manner.
Table 6.3 Strains and plasmids used in this work.
E. faecalis strain
Phenotype a
Sm r
Rf r ,Fa r
Sm r ,Sp r
Conjugative plasmid
Tc r , cCF10 responsive
Em r , cAD1 responsive
Tc r , cPD1 responsive
pOB1 (::Tc r )
Tc r , cOB1 responsive
a Sm r ; streptmycin resistance, Rf r ; refampicin resistance, Fa r ; fusidic acid
resistance, Sp r ; spectinomycin resistance, Tc r ; tetracycline resistance,
Em r ; erythromycin resistance.
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