Information Technology Reference
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would highlight text and then click and drag it down to the Stickies icon
before releasing the mouse button to create a new note.
If images and links are included in the block of selected text, they too will
become part of the note, although—as earlier—the formatting of the web page
will probably be lost, and everything will look a little skewed.
Additionally, dragging and dropping image files from Finder or the desktop
straight onto an existing note will insert them at the cursor position. You can
also drag text clippings into the Dock icon to create a note from the clippings
content (see Tip 155, Save Text Snippets , on page 177 ) .
Tip 282
Open Finder When Saving or Opening Files
Hitting COMMAND + R while using the File→Open or File→Save As dialog boxes
will open a Finder window displaying the contents of the folder you're currently
in (provided you're browsing the files on your hard disk and not iCloud). You
may find this useful when trying to locate files.
Tip 283
Rename Sidebar Folders
As mentioned in Tip 163, Supertip: Make Finder Your Hub , on page 189 , you
can drag and drop folders onto the Favorites section of the Finder sidebar to
create one-click shortcuts to that location on your hard disk. What isn't
obvious is that you can rename any folder listed under the Favorites menu
by right-clicking the shortcut under the Favorites heading and selecting
Rename from the menu that appears. Note that this renames the shortcut
and also the original folder.
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